We pride ourselves on having a strong and diverse team of talented tutors, each of whom specialises in delivering quality tuition in their chosen subjects and influences their students to aspire to great things!
All of our tutors are chosen via a highly-selective recruitment process and given rigorous training by our award-winning lead tutor.
All of our tutors are chosen via a highly-selective recruitment process and given rigorous training by our award-winning lead tutor.
Meet our Leadership Team
Our senior tutors have years of tutoring experience and bring their own passions and talents to the company, helping make Tutor World a leading tuition centre in Kent.
Ruvini lead tutor Tutor World founder With over 20 years of experience coaching the 11+, Ruvini is renowned as one of Kent's best tutors. She has successfully guided hundreds of students through the 11+, including all 3 of her children. She is an honest, caring and passionate tutor, and was formally recognised as such by the Ashford BME Association when she was given the 'Teaching our Future Leaders' award. |
Vedanshi Senior tutor CREATIVE LEAD Ruvini's daughter-in-law, Vedanshi, has degrees in Visual Communication, Business as well as Indian Classical Music. She is an integrated graphic designer who was responsible for redesigning our whole look as well as successfully launching our 11+ Mock Exam collection. We love her creative illustrations and the energy she brings into each lesson that she delivers! |
Desh Senior TUTOR MARKETING LEAD Ruvini's son, Desh, is a qualified teacher who was awarded an outstanding PGCE, as well as a 1st class degree from Warwick University and an MA from UCL Institute of Education. He is a Lecturer and Director of Studies at one of the UK's top business schools, and has attained a Fellowship from the Higher Education Academy. He was voted 'Most Inspirational Tutor' in 2021. |
Shynie senior tutor CONTENT LEAD Ruvini's daughter, Shynie, earned her degree in Human, Social and Political Science from The University of Cambridge and is a solicitor at a leading law firm. She leads on our 11+ English summer courses and also enjoys coming up with creative ideas that amaze our learners! |